Why You Should Develop in the Cloud

frame 101
Code Capsules
Software Hosting Problem Solver
June 6, 2023

There’s no point in developing locally. Here’s why the cloud is far superior.

Businesses understand that leveraging cloud technology is the best way to gain a competitive advantage. The cloud is instrumental in digital transformation initiatives. Today, the majority of businesses are considered technology enterprises. Innovation with technology is critical for companies as they seek ways to improve their systems and processes using cloud development.

Cloud computing is one of the industries that is expanding the quickest right now. As more companies roll out public and private cloud computing programs, cloud computing is gaining popularity. Gartner, a renowned research and consultancy firm, states that – Worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services is forecast to grow 20.7% to a total of $591.8 billion in 2023, up from $490.3 billion in 2022, according to its latest forecast.

This blog talks about cloud development, its benefits, and how organizations can gain advantages by developing applications on the cloud.

What Is Cloud Development?

cloud features and characteristics

Cloud-based development is development in a cloud environment. Cloud development means building, testing, and deploying software services in the cloud. The applications reside in the cloud on web servers and are called cloud software.

Cloud computing shows robust growth statistics – Global cloud computing revenue will reach $519B by 2027 at 23.7% CAGR, as per reports from PR Newswire.

Cloud-based development environments are also available for organizations. Leading cloud service providers include the likes of Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and AWS from Amazon. Using the cloud, organizations can avoid buying infrastructure such as on-premise servers and maintaining high-paying staff. An example of cloud development is accessing an email service like Gmail or Outlook. The organizations use cloud development and maintain the email application on the cloud, and end-users use it on their mobile phones or computers.

How Is It Different From Traditional App Development?

Earlier, software program creation was done on local computers before being released into a production environment. The entire process of coding, testing, resolving issues, and redeploying the software application is time-consuming and expensive. There are other chances that software programs won’t function as intended while using traditional development techniques.

Agile development methodologies help to develop software products quickly and are in line with user market expectations. Agile practices and DevOps software development approaches enhance collaboration and communication between development team members.

Software developers can test, revise, and enhance codebases in a collaborative setting using cloud-based services software development IDEs like Google App Engine, code repositories like GitHub, etc., before immediately deploying to the production environment.

Continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) involves releasing a minimally viable product (MVP) to the user market and improving the product based on user feedback.

CI/CD and agile strategies with short development cycles can improve business operations in many ways. Advantages include – shortening time to market, quicker detection and correction of issues, followed by faster delivery of functionality and features through agile sprints.

Cloud development with agile is quite different and more effective than the conventional software development method. It involves creating software in agile sprints for a protracted period, only to find that customer needs have changed.

How Does Cloud Development Work?

Several interconnected APIs form the foundation of cloud architecture for software development. These APIs communicate with one another and other cloud architecture components.

The arrangement of data is another crucial aspect of cloud application development. The architecture of cloud applications should define the separation and distribution of data on cloud computing resources. One can host various components of cloud computing solutions on different cloud servers (public and private clouds).

As their proximity to cloud servers impacts the pace and availability of your cloud-based applications, one must plan the data organization accordingly to enhance business performance and other areas of your organization.

Between data and services, your application also includes communication logic. Most cloud-based web applications communicate in real time; otherwise, they would result in a poor user experience due to sluggish rendering times, etc. There are a variety of communication strategies, such as single-channel broadcasting and system message aggregation, among others.

A cloud application’s scalability strategy is crucial for increased user demand. It is essential to design an operational model to assist backend components, such as data storage, computing capacity, etc., to accommodate a surge in demand.

Benefits of Cloud Development

benefits of cloud development

  • Scalability: Rapidly scaling any portion of an application is now possible when utilizing a cloud-based infrastructure. One can scale cloud databases to enhance the server’s processing capacity. You can construct a flexible database service capable of sharing its processing capacity with an arbitrary number of other databases. Consequently, your database will be able to scale up as required within the constraints of your elastic pool.
  • Cost efficiency: Besides the ability to start modestly and scale up as required, cost savings are a significant advantage of cloud computing. Most cloud services are pay-as-you-go, meaning you only pay for the resources you consume. In contrast, to on-premise infrastructure or remote data centers requiring substantial initial investment, the cloud does not necessitate any upfront expenditures.
  • Fast provisioning of resources: Development teams frequently require access to various resources, such as novel technologies or environments, for development and testing. In an IT corporation, providing these resources is the responsibility of the technical services staff. However, completing a specific task can take days or weeks, depending on how many duties team members are working on concurrently. When migrating to the cloud, development teams can rapidly establish brand-new environments, including databases, virtual devices, and websites.
  • Easy deployment: The distinctive features provided by cloud services enable teams to manage deployments as never before. By incorporating a source control system into your business, you can automate certain aspects of the deployment process (such as server provisioning and application testing). In addition, deployment periods allow you to conduct deployments without interruption in your production environment. After confirming that everything works efficiently, you can effortlessly switch your production staging slots for live environments.

Challenges Of Cloud Development

  • Data security: Privacy and security are of paramount importance when operating in Cloud environments. It is one of the most significant challenges in cloud computing, as users must take responsibility for their data, and not all cloud service providers can guarantee complete data confidentiality.
  • Cloud privacy breaches: Common causes of Cloud privacy breaches include a lack of visibility and control tools, the absence of identity access management, data abuse, and improper configuration. Threats like insecure APIs, oversights, or neglect in Cloud data management also cause concern.
  • Hiring obstacles: Organizations need help discovering and hiring the right Cloud talent, a common obstacle in cloud computing. The industry needs more professionals with the necessary qualifications. Cloud workloads are increasing, along with new tools in the market. Businesses require a high level of knowledge to utilize these tools and determine optimal ones.
  • Cloud migration issues: Migration to the cloud means transferring a new or existing application to the cloud. The procedure is relatively simple for new applications. However, it becomes laborious if the application is an existing or legacy application. Security challenges in cloud computing, slow data migrations, extensive troubleshooting, application downtime, migration agents, and the complexity of the cutover are some of the most significant issues encountered.

Why Will Cloud Development Be Profitable For Your Business?

Most businesses that migrate their data and applications to the cloud can reduce expenses and increase their profitability. Here is how cloud computing application development can increase business profit:

  • The maintenance of an IT infrastructure requires substantial financial resources. However, all of these costs are eradicated with cloud computing, as the business no longer needs to invest in and maintain a local IT infrastructure.
  • As a result of the flexibility, scalability, and enhanced performance that this technology provides to business applications, cloud computing enables companies to make their employees much more productive. Additionally, analytics, intelligence technologies, and mobile work tools would allow workers to work more efficiently and effectively.
  • With cloud computing, the creation and implementation of applications are simplified and accelerated. IT professionals can rely on prefabricated computational modules and resources.

How Much Does Cloud Development Cost?

An actual cloud-based mobile application may cost $15,000 and need 300 to 600 hours of development time. However, time and expense may skyrocket depending on the application’s complexity and value proposition. A medium-complexity cloud application may need 600 to 800 hours of development effort. Depending on the project’s demands, it might take up to 1200 hours. A similar application can cost between $20,000 and $50,000.

How To Hire A Cloud Developer?

Hiring a developer on your own is a highly concentrated and hands-on procedure that necessitates a substantial understanding of software development in general.

Cloud developers should have the following skills and abilities:

  • Integrate Cloud Platform services
  • Create, deploy, and debug cloud-native apps
  • Standardize continuous integration and delivery across all languages
  • Manage application performance monitoring

Cloud Deployment Models:

  • Public cloud deployments: Public cloud installations reside on servers accessible via the Internet or a VPN. The service proprietor is responsible for all hardware, including networking apparatus and VM hosts.
  • Private cloud deployments: A company may host its cloud infrastructure on-premises or in a data center. Typically, the business controls the infrastructure in both scenarios. Private cloud technologies are developed and maintained by the company’s employees. Due to stringent access controls, only authorized users can access the private cloud’s resources.
  • Community cloud deployments: A community cloud is a multi-tenant hosting platform that typically includes complementary businesses and industries. Community cloud deployments allow users to save money by sharing infrastructure across multiple organizations.
  • Hybrid cloud deployments: Similar to one another, cloud solutions incorporate various components to satisfy an organization’s requirements. One example is a hybrid cloud that combines the affordability and simplicity of public clouds with the security of private clouds. Companies can use private clouds to store sensitive information, whereas public clouds provide user services.

Examples Of Successful Cloud Development Projects

Cloud computing application development abound in numerous industries, and the cloud has emerged as the industry standard for storing, managing, and safeguarding data. Multiple advanced technologies that are the lifeblood of the application development industry have their roots in cloud software development. The best cloud development platforms include AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Below is a list of various cloud computing instances discovering more efficient methods to handle data and generate insights:

  1. A well-known SaaS provider, Salesforce is a CRM platform that helps organizations manage customer relationships and create sales leads. The Sales Cloud blends AI and customer data to assist sales teams in identifying prospective leads and closing transactions more quickly. There are also different clouds for customer support and marketing on the platform.
  2. Code Capsules is a cloud development platform for building AI and ML-powered applications. It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface for creating custom AI models and deploying them at scale. Developers can build and test their AI applications in a sandbox environment before deploying them to production.
  3. Zoom, a cloud-based audio and video conferencing software, records meetings on the cloud for users to view anytime and anywhere.
  4. Developers can run code for any application or backend service without the need for server provisioning or management using AWS Lambda. The pay-as-you-go strategy of this cloud-based development environment grows with the business to meet real-time data storage and consumption changes.
  5. With its cloud-based platform Google Drive, Google has established itself as a cloud computing powerhouse. The platform connects with other Google applications and Microsoft Office files, making collaborating easier for team members.

Web-Based Apps vs. Cloud-Based Apps: What Are the Differences?

  • One of the primary distinctions between cloud and web applications is their architecture. Each form of application requires an internet connection to access online services. However, cloud applications do not need web browsers to operate.
  • Web applications provide developers and users with a different level of customization. Cloud applications can tailor your specific requirements. One can utilize cloud applications from a local desktop without an online interface.
  • In cloud application development, a robust infrastructure ensures security, optimal availability, and interoperability with third-party systems. In terms of features and functionality, its scalability is high. Web applications are hosted on a remote server and delivered over the Internet through a web interface.
  • Cloud applications provide safeguards for confidential and sensitive data. In contrast, web applications utilize data servers to validate client information. Consequently, cloud applications are more secure.


The market for cloud computing is enormous growth over the next decade. Even for small and medium-sized enterprises, it adds cost-effectiveness, scalability, and flexibility to business processes and products. As discussed previously, there are also challenges associated with cloud adoption. To overcome these obstacles easily, whether you opt for cloud-native, cloud-based, or cloud-enabled development, you need a team of skilled software developers who can adhere to the best cloud migration and integration practices.

Code Capsules
Software Hosting Problem Solver
June 6, 2023

There’s no point in developing locally. Here’s why the cloud is far superior.