Team Management

A Team is a group of developers who share access to the same Spaces and Capsules to make collaborative development easier. This guide explores the team management options available to you with Code Capsules.

Creating Teams

You can create as many teams as you need on Code Capsules. To create a new Team, click on the yellow + button arrow on the bottom left.

new team

Click on the “New Team” option, and fill in your Team name on the screen that slides in from the right. Confirm your changes by clicking “I Like It”.

create team

Adding Team Repos

Code Capsules connects to GitHub to deploy applications on its platform. Before you can deploy an application, you need to give Code Capsules permission to read the repository on your GitHub account you want to deploy from.

Adding a Repository to a Team

If you’ve already linked your Code Capsules account to GitHub, you’ll be asked which repos to add to your Team. Click “Add” next to the repos you wish to add to your Team, then click “Confirm”.

add repo

Linking to GitHub

If you haven’t yet linked GitHub to your Code Capsules account, you’ll be asked to do so now.

Select your GitHub username, and do the following in the dialog box that appears:

  1. Select “Only Select Repositories”.
  2. Choose the GitHub repository you want to deploy from.
  3. Press “Install & Authorize”.

github integration

Team Billing

Next, you’ll be asked to enter your Team billing information. You can do so now, or skip this step if you wish to do it later.

card details

Inviting Team Members

The final step in creating a Team is to invite members to it. Enter your prospective team members’ email addresses in the text field and click “Invite Team Members” to send your invitation.

add team member

Your Team is now ready to begin collaborating.