
Utilize Flask, a lightweight Python framework, with Code Capsules to create flexible and scalable web applications quickly and efficiently.


Streamline your Flask app development with Code Capsules. Enjoy automated deployments, efficient scaling, and robust…

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Dev a Persistent Sleep Tracker Part 2: Tracking and Graphing

This is the second part of our sleep tracker web application tutorial, covering the creation…

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Building a “Reader Mode” Full Stack Application With Flask and Redis

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use a Redis Data Capsule to hold…

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Building a Full Stack Application With Flask and HTMx

This tutorial explains how to build an application with Flask and HTMx.

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Setting Up Stripe Checkout and Email Subscription With Flask

Through a step-by-step process, we’ll develop a web application that provides an interactive user experience.

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Dev a Persistent Sleep Tracker Part 1: Flask-Login

In this two-part tutorial series, we’ll learn how to create a sleep tracker web application…

Creating and Hosting an API With Flask

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a tool enabling developers to interact with data online.…

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