White Label SaaS

Deploying white label SaaS web apps from a single GitHub repository allows for streamlined, multi-tenant deployment and customization across various customers with ease.

Dedicated Environment

Ensure data security and privacy by providing each client with a separate, isolated instance of your app. This allows for personalized configurations and customizations tailored to each client’s needs, without impacting other tenants.

Simplified Management

Code Capsules provices seamless app customization and user engagement which relieves you of the burden of managing underlying infrastructure or cloud services,  allowing you can concentrate on build the best solutions possible.

Automatic Updates
With Code Capsules your application stays up-to-date with the latest features and security patches effortlessly. By deploying to multiple customers from a single repository, you eliminate the need for tenant intervention, providing a seamless and secure experience.

Loaded with features

Deploy white label SaaS ensuring each client receives a uniquely branded and isolated instance of your software, providing tailored features and security without worrying about infrastructure management.

Build & Deploy on Push

Automate the compilation & deployment of code changes immediately upon pushing to your repo.

SSL Certificates

Free subdomain and custom domains with automatically updating certificates before they expire.

Zero-downtime Scaling

Code Capsules allows you to increase or decrease your app’s capacity without any service interruptions.


Real-time monitoring & analysis of application logs, providing immediate insights into performance.

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Get Started

Concise, step-by-step instructions to help you rapidly get started