Your Cloud-Powered PaaS

An all-in-one developer platform for building, deploying, and managing applications using your cloud infrastructure, providing scalability and control while leveraging your cloud provider’s compute and storage resources out of the box.

Security & Compliance

Implements robust security measures and compliance features, including data encryption, identity management, and access controls, tailored to meet industry standards and regulations all on your own cloud account.

Managed Services

Offers managed database, storage, and other essential services, simplifying operations and maintenance while ensuring high availability and reliability on your own cloud account.

Automated Deployment

Supports automated deployment processes through continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, reducing manual setup and deployment efforts on your own cloud.

Loaded with features

A PaaS on your own cloud provides a customizable platform for developing, deploying, and managing applications using your cloud infrastructure, offering scalable resources and integrated tools while maintaining control over security and configuration.


You can configure and optimize your cloud resources and infrastructure according to your specific needs.


Code Capsules enables dynamic scaling of applications and resources to handle varying loads and performance requirements.

Monitoring & Analytics

We provides analytics tools to track application performance, user activity, and system health. Enabling proactive management.

Build & Deploy on Push

Automate the compilation & deployment of code changes immediately upon pushing to your repo.

SSL Certificates

Free subdomain and custom domains with automatically updating certificates before they expire.

Zero-downtime Scaling

Code Capsules allows you to increase or decrease your app’s capacity without any service interruptions.


Real-time monitoring & analysis of application logs, providing immediate insights into performance.

Cost Management

We offers tools for tracking and managing cloud expenses, helping you optimize resource usage and control costs.

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