March 2023 Release Notes

frame 101
Code Capsules
Software Hosting Problem Solver
March 16, 2023

Code Capsules has had some major upgrades. Here’s what’s new.

2023 has kicked off with a bang! The first couple of months of the year were dedicated to some much-needed technical debt smashing, overall improvements as well as security updates.

We’re aiming to summarize the changes to the platform at least once a month. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to our newsletter to get these changes directly to your mailbox!

Out of Beta!

Watch our stomp video to celebrate our milestone!

Improved logging

Logs are super important for all devs! We’ve been trying different technologies and implementations over the past few months to try and make the build and application logs as reliable as possible.

Over above performance and state improvements, we’ve cleaned up the way they look, too:

screen shot 2023 03 13 at 1.47.09 pm

Even though we’ve released iterations of the logs over many months, this is still the beginning for us. We have ambitious plans and ideas for the future of logs, such as filtering, searching and alerting in the future. We’re also looking to bring more detailed ingress (HTTP) logs into the dashboard in future releases. Stay tuned!

Improved Environment Variables

Environment variables had a really terrible user experience… until now!

We’ve added the ability for you to paste environment variables into a .env styled editor in the dashboard.

env variables

You can easily switch between a key/value editor or the code editor view.

env variables 2

The key/value editor also has in-line edit support, which should hopefully make it easier to maintain your existing environment variables.

maintain your existing environment variables

Improved State Issues

We improved the apps state management by implementing NgRx on the client side. Our goal was to improve the user experience by centralizing our state and caching more frequently accessed data.

We also had weird state issues throughout the application, such as incorrect capsule details showing up after navigating between capsules.

These issues, among a list of many others, should be taken care of now in this latest release.

Improved Billing and Invoicing

We did a big billing engine improvement. You can now view more detailed usage per Capsule, Space and Team:

billing invoicing

The usage metrics end up inside your invoices section at the end of every month:

usage metrics

Don’t forget to ensure that you have a valid payment method attached to your account, to avoid your workloads from being disabled.

payment method

Postgres (beta)

We’ve added support for Postgres! Since this is a relatively new capsule, we’re treating it as beta, for now. We’ve already seen it being used in a couple of apps successfully!

We welcome all feedback.

Keep in mind: the only data capsule that has public access is Mongo. Only your backend and docker capsules can access your MySQL or Postgres capsules from within the same space.

New Region support (AWS Sweden)

You can now select AWS Sweden as a new home for your Spaces and Capsules!

new region support

During beta, we only had AWS South Africa as a dropdown option. Our initial use-case customers were from South Africa, all wanting a local Heroku alternative. We’ve since expanded our customer base and learned a lot about our initial assumptions vs what customers actually want!

We plan to release many more regions across many more clouds (not just AWS). Furthermore, we currently support all the other clouds for our dedicated/private PaaS cluster customers. If you would like us to implement a dedicated developer PaaS within your own cloud account, reach out to us here:

Improved actions and feedback in the UI

Taking actions left the user wondering whether anything was happening… the state improvements above should aid this, but in addition to that we implemented some very basic spinners and info/error messages:

  • Edit team name
  • Edit space name
  • Edit capsule name
  • Remove team
  • Remove space
  • Remove Capsule
  • Add domain
  • Toggle domain public access
  • Remove Domain
  • Build and deploy capsule
  • Toggle capsule auto-build and deploy
  • Edit capsule repo/branch
  • Edit capsule parameters
  • Edit capsule scale

In Summary

  • Improved logging experience!
  • Fine-tuned Environment Variables.
  • Many, Many squashed bugs with the app state.
  • Transparent and reliable Billing and Invoicing
  • Postgres support!
  • Now serving customers in Sweden, Welcome aboard.
  • Tailored UX trims to make you feel more in-control.

Go check out the brand spanking new Code Capsules!

Code Capsules
Software Hosting Problem Solver
March 16, 2023

Code Capsules has had some major upgrades. Here’s what’s new.