What Is DevOps?

frame 101
Code Capsules
Software Hosting Problem Solver
May 31, 2023

DevOps is an approach or set of practices that brings together software development and IT…

DevOps is a combination of two words: “Development” and “Operations.”

It’s an approach or set of practices that brings together software development and IT operations teams to work together more effectively.

The main goal of DevOps is to improve collaboration, efficiency, and the overall quality of software development and delivery.

The old way

Traditionally, development and operations teams have worked separately, often causing challenges and delays in software development and deployment.

The new way – DevOps

DevOps bridges that gap by promoting better communication, cooperation, and integration between these teams.

Constant collaboration

In a DevOps environment, developers and operations professionals collaborate closely throughout the entire software development lifecycle, from planning and coding to testing, deployment, and monitoring.

Streamlined efficiency

This collaboration is supported by various tools and automation techniques that help streamline processes, increase efficiency, and reduce errors.

Automated repetition

DevOps encourages the automation of repetitive tasks, such as building and testing software, deploying it to servers or the cloud, and monitoring its performance.

By automating these processes, teams can save time, reduce human error, and achieve faster and more reliable software releases.

Continuous improvement

Another important aspect of DevOps is a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

DevOps teams strive to enhance their practices constantly, adopt new technologies, and embrace feedback to deliver better software and services to customers.


In summary, DevOps is an approach that promotes collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement between development and operations teams.

By adopting DevOps practices, your company can achieve faster, more reliable software delivery, improve efficiency, and provide better services to your customers.

Looking for a professional outfit to help you set up your DevOps? Sign up now and make Code Capsules part of your DevOps integration.

Code Capsules
Software Hosting Problem Solver
May 31, 2023

DevOps is an approach or set of practices that brings together software development and IT operations teams to work together more effectively.