Build an Imgur Clone With Uppy and Caddy

You have an image or other file locally or in your clipboard that you want to easily publish to the internet and get a shareable URL to send to someone or to link to from a blog post.

You can do this for free on sites like Imgur, but they also display many adverts, and you ultimately lose control of what you upload. It’s hard to delete a file later if you uploaded it as an anonymous user.

In this tutorial, we’ll build a basic image-uploading site similar to Imgur that lets users upload files and instantly get a public URL, without requiring an account or anything else. You can even host it on a custom domain, so you can share URLs like instead of

To build our site, we’ll use:

  • Node.js and Express for the web application that handles uploads and saving the files on a server.
  • Uppy as a frontend file-upload plugin.
  • Parcel as a build tool for our JavaScript application.
  • Caddy as a web server to efficiently serve the uploaded files.
  • Docker as a container for Caddy to make development and deployment easier.

The final app will look like this.

final app

To follow along, you should have some basic Node.js and Docker knowledge and have Node.js and Docker installed locally. You’ll need to install some packages from Node.js and run Parcel and Docker to build the application.

Setting up and creating the frontend

We’ll split our application into a few different files with the following structure:


Create these files and directories by running the following:

mkdir image-sharing-app
cd image-sharing-app
mkdir src
touch src/app.js src/index.html server.js package.json Dockerfile Caddyfile

Now we can install the packages we need. Add the following to the package.json file:

  "dependencies": {
    "@uppy/core": "^3.0.4",
    "@uppy/dashboard": "^3.1.0",
    "@uppy/xhr-upload": "^3.0.3",
    "cors": "^2.8.5",
    "express": "^4.18.2",
    "multer": "^1.4.5-lts.1"

Now run npm i to install the dependencies. Next, run:

npm install parcel -g

This installs Parcel globally, so we can call it from the command line. We’ll use Parcel because Uppy is a big package, and we’ll only be using small parts of it. Parcel lets us use syntax like import Uppy from ‘@uppy/core’; in a vanilla JavaScript file, instead of having to pull in the entire Uppy package from a CDN using syntax like <script src=””></script> which would include all of Uppy’s plugins and make our app a lot slower to load.

You’ll modify files in the src folder (index.html and app.js), and Parcel will hot-copy any changes over to the dist folder whenever you save the src files. The server.js file will return the (now static) files in dist so you can test and use the application. This is shown in the image below.

parcel architecture

Building the index.html file

In src/index.html, add the following code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
        <title>Image Uploader</title>
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
        <h1>Easy Image Uploader</h1>
        <div id="drag-drop-area"></div>
        <ul id="links"></ul>
        <script src="app.js" type="module"></script>

This is a very minimalistic HTML page that pulls in the CSS needed to style our Uppy upload widget and creates a blank div (“drag-drop-area”) that we’ll use in our JavaScript file to populate the upload panel.

Building the app.js file

In src/app.js, add the following code:

import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
import XHRUpload from '@uppy/xhr-upload';
import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';

const uploadUrl = `${process.env.HOST_URL}/image`;

const uppy = new Uppy()
    .use(Dashboard, {
        inline: true,
        target: '#drag-drop-area',
    .use(XHRUpload, {
        endpoint: uploadUrl,
        fieldName: 'userFile',
        formData: true,

This imports the Uppy dependencies, including Uppy Core (which is the main part of Uppy) and Uppy Dashboard (which lets you display the nice drag-and-drop widget for users to upload files). We also get xhr-upload, which is a plugin to allow users to upload a file and submit it to the server without leaving or reloading the main page. Uppy uses a plugin-based architecture, so if you want to get files from other sources, you can grab the plugin for that provider.

We then define an uploadUrl using an environment variable that we haven’t set yet. We do this, so we can upload to localhost:3000 for testing, but to a real URL once we are running the app in production.

Finally, we create an Uppy instance that uses the Dashboard and XHRUpload plugins we imported earlier.

Building the server.js file

Now let’s build a basic Express app. At first, it’ll just return the frontend index.html file we wrote above, but later it will also save the files that the user uploads.

Add the following code to server.js:

const express = require('express');
const cors = require('cors');
const path = require('path');
const multer = require('multer');

const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + "/dist/index.html"));

const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log("listening on port " + port);

This code creates a simple Express app and returns the HTML file in dist/index.html that Parcel will create for us in the next step.

Running the application

The application can’t actually save uploaded files yet, but let’s test it out to see what it can do so far. In one terminal, run parcel src/index.html and you should see output similar to the following:

image-sharing-app$ parcel src/index.html
Server running at http://localhost:1234
✨ Built in 234ms

Parcel has created the dist folder for you and copied over the source files. If you look in the folder, you’ll see that each file has a unique number so that changes can happen in real-time without being affected by browser caching. Your dist folder will have files similar to the following (but with different numbers):


If you look in each file, you’ll see that they are optimized for serving and not meant to be edited by a developer. While the Parcel server is running, you can make changes in the src folder and Parcel will take care of copying them over to dist for the server.js file to serve to the user.

In another terminal window, run node server.js to serve the backend Express application. Now you can visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser and see the upload interface, but if you try to upload a file it will fail as we haven’t written any functionality to handle file uploads yet.

failed upload

Handling file uploads

To handle file uploads, we need to add some code to server.js to write the files somewhere safe after a user uploads them.

Add the following code to server.js, after the app.get(“/”… definition:

const storage = multer.diskStorage({
    destination: `${process.env.PERSISTENT_STORAGE_DIR}`,
    filename: (req, file, cb) => {
        const fileName = `${}${path.extname(file.originalname)}`;
        cb(null, fileName);

const uploadImage = multer({
}).single('userFile');'/image', uploadImage, (req, res) => {
    if (req.file) {
        return res.json({
            msg: req.file.filename
    res.send('Error uploading file');

This creates a diskStorage object using multer, a Node.js module for handling form uploads. We use another environment variable PERSISTENT_STORAGE_DIR to decide where to save the file, and then name the file with the current time to prevent any problems with users uploading files that have the same name.

We then define an /image endpoint (where Uppy is sending the files from the frontend) and use this diskStorage plugin to save the file to a file system. Furthermore, we also return the file name, which we’ll display to the user later so that they can retrieve the file again.

To test the code again, stop the process in the terminal window running Parcel with Ctrl + C, set the environment variables our frontend uses, and start Parcel once more. You can do this by running the following commands:

export HOST_URL='http://localhost:3000'
parcel src/index.html

Do the same in the terminal window serving the Express application and set the PERSISTENT_STORAGE_DIR environment variable:

export HOST_URL='http://localhost:3000'
node server.js

Now, if you visit the app in your browser, you’ll be able to upload files and see that they are saved in your /tmp directory.

Returning the link to the user

Of course, our user can’t guess the exact time stamp that we are using to save the files, so they have no way of getting their files back again. To fix this, let’s have our frontend get the file name of the application and tell the user where the file can be found.

In src/app.js, add the following code to the end of the file:

uppy.on('complete', (result) => {
    for (const file of result.successful) {
        const url = `${process.env.STATIC_HOST_URL}/${file.response.body.msg}`;
        const link = document.createElement('a');
        link.href = url;
        link.innerHTML = url;
        const li = document.createElement('li');

This tells Uppy what to do once a file has been uploaded by the user (“on complete”). Uppy lets users upload multiple files at once, so we loop through all the files that were successfully uploaded, and create a new list element (li) on the page with a link to the uploaded file.

Note that we use a different environment variable here: STATIC_HOST_URL. This is because, in the final version of the application, we will serve our files from a different server than the one that handles uploads.

Stop the frontend and backend servers again and add the STATIC_HOST_URL environment variable to each by running the following command. Then start both servers again.

export STATIC_HOST_URL='http://localhost:3001'

Now when you upload files, you’ll see a list of links displayed below the upload dashboard showing the user where they can download the files again.

Note that these links won’t work yet, as we don’t have anything serving these files. We could serve files directly from the Express application, but we’ll instead use Caddy as a static file server. It serves files more efficiently and means that we detach file uploads from file downloads, so we can add more servers of either type to add either more uploading or downloading capacity.

download links

Serving files with Caddy

To serve the files back to the user, we’ll use Caddy and Docker. In the main project directory, create a file called Caddyfile with the following contents:

encode zstd gzip
header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, OPTIONS"
header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "*"
header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
file_server browse

And a file called Dockerfile that contains the following:

FROM caddy/caddy:alpine
COPY Caddyfile /etc/caddy/Caddyfile

The first file configures Caddy to serve everything in PERSISTENT_STORAGE_DIR. It also allows users to list files by visiting a directory.

The second file is to set up a Docker container with the official Caddy image and copy across our Caddyfile to configure it.

In a new terminal window, run the following Docker command:

docker build . -t caddy-file-server && docker run -p 3001:3000 --mount type=bind,source=/tmp,target=/tmp --env PERSISTENT_STORAGE_DIR=/tmp caddy-file-server

This builds the Dockerfile to an image called caddy-file-server and then runs that in a container. Because we are already using port 3000 to run our web app locally, we’ll run Caddy on port 3001 but map it to port 3000 in the Docker container as that’s what we configured our Caddyfile to listen on. We also mount our local /tmp folder to /tmp in the Docker container and pass in /tmp as PERSISTENT_STORAGE_DIR so that Caddy serves files from there.

Now you can upload images and the links displayed in the frontend will work and let you download the files again. You can also visit http://localhost:3001 directly to browse all uploaded files (and anything else in your /tmp directory).

Building a production version of the application

Now that everything is working, we can create an optimized build to deploy to production. Add the following scripts section to your package.json file:

"scripts": {
    "serve": "node server.js",
    "build": "parcel build --dist-dir dist src/index.html"

Now we can build the application by running npm run build and serve it using npm run serve. You can test these commands locally, but we mainly need them to easily run the production application on Code Capsules as described in the next section.

Deploying the application to Code Capsules

To deploy the application to Code Capsules, we’ll create three Capsules:

  • A Backend Capsule to run the Express application and handle file uploads.
  • A Docker Capsule to run the Caddy server and handle serving files to users.
  • A persistent storage Data Capsule to store the uploads.

Because of how we set up the three components using environment variables, all we need to do is set these appropriately for each Capsule and everything else will work automatically.

Creating the Capsules and setting the environment variables

Push the entire project up to GitHub. Although our Caddy server and application server are different projects, we’ll just keep everything in a single repository for convenience.

Create a new Space for this project and create three Capsules in the space as follows:

Data Capsule

  • Choose the “persistent storage” option.

Docker Capsule

  • Configure the Dockerfile path to /Dockerfile.
  • Bind the Docker Capsule to the Data Capsule.

Backend Capsule

  • Set the build command to npm run build && npm run serve.
  • Bind the Backend Capsule to the Data Capsule.
  • Set HOST_URL to the URL for this Backend Capsule.
  • Set STATIC_HOST_URL to the public URL of the Docker Capsule.

Now you should be able to upload files by visiting the URL of the Backend Capsule and immediately get the public link as before. You can also visit the Docker Capsule URL to browse all files uploaded by any user.