
Tutorials to help you get started building, deploying and scaling on Code Capsules.

How to Deploy a React Token dApp to Code Capsules

A decentralized application (dApp) is a software application that runs…

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Nuxt3 and Nitro

Nuxt.js takes Vue to the next level, with SSR and…

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Optimizing Performance in MERN Stack: Tips and Techniques

The MERN stack, which stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and…

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Scaling MEAN Stack Applications: Strategies & Considerations

The ability of a web application to handle growth is…

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Building Real-Time Applications With Socket.IO in the MEAN Stack

If you’re a developer working with the MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js,…

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Getting Started With MEAN Stack: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

As a web developer, diving into the world of full-stack…

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Connect a MongoDB Using Atlas

What is MongoDB Atlas? MongoDB Atlas is a database as…

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Video Guides

If you prefer watching videos to reading text, find videos…

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White-Label Your App With Code Capsules

Do the benefits of a white-label app seem appealing to…

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Dev a Persistent Sleep Tracker Part 2: Tracking and Graphing

This is the second part of our sleep tracker web…

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Set Up a MySQL Data Capsule

In this tutorial, we’ll create a MySQL Data Capsule to…

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Set Up a MongoDB Data Capsule

In this tutorial, we look at how to create a…

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Set Up a Persistent File Data Capsule

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a…

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Set Up a Redis Data Capsule

In this tutorial, we’ll create a Redis Data Capsule to…

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Build an Imgur Clone With Uppy and Caddy

In this tutorial, we’ll build a basic image-uploading site similar…

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Building a Book Recommendations App With PHP, SQLite, and Docker

In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to build a…

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Building a Hex Color Identifier API With PHP, Laravel, and Docker

In this tutorial, we’ll build a hex color identifier API…

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Building an Image Overlay API With Express

In this tutorial, we’ll build an HTTP REST API to create composite…

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Building a “Reader Mode” Full Stack Application With Flask and Redis

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use a…

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Building a Full Stack Application With Express and HTMx

In this tutorial, we’ll explore the benefits of HTMx by…

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Build a Generative Art Application With Pillow, Flask and HTMx

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to build a…

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Building a Full Stack Application With Flask and HTMx

This tutorial explains how to build an application with Flask…

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Build a MERN Job Board

In this tutorial, we’ll extend a boilerplate MERN application to…

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Building a Game Catalogue API

In this tutorial, we’ll build a simple HTTP REST API to provide…

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Building a Web File Store

In this tutorial, we’ll build a basic web interface to…

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Setting Up Stripe Checkout and Email Subscription With Flask

Through a step-by-step process, we’ll develop a web application that…

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Dev a Persistent Sleep Tracker Part 1: Flask-Login

In this two-part tutorial series, we’ll learn how to create…

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Host Your Front-End Developer Portfolio

In this tutorial, we’ll create a front-end, which is content…

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Create and Host a Telegram Bot With Node.js

In this tutorial, we’ll extend a boilerplate Express application on…

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Create and Host a Telegram Bot

In this tutorial, we’ll create a client for this API…

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Customizing Your Domain on Code Capsules

In this tutorial, we’ll set up a custom domain name…

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Creating and Hosting an API With Flask

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a tool enabling developers…

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Build a Slackbot With Node.js to Monitor Your Applications

One of the stand out features of Slack is the…

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