Set Up a Redis Data Capsule

Create a Redis Data Capsule

Log in to your Code Capsules account and navigate to the Space your Redis Capsule will be contained in. Click the yellow + button. In the Create New Capsule dialog, select “Redis”.

create redis capsule

Choose a payment option, and click “Create Capsule”.

Binding a Data Capsule to a Backend Capsule

Now we need to bind our Data Capsule to a Backend Capsule. Navigate to your Backend Capsule and click on the “Configure” tab. Scroll down to the “Bind Data Capsule” section and click “Bind”.

redis bind env

During the “Bind” process, Code Capsules creates a REDIS_URL environment variable which will let your application connect to your Redis database. Once the capsules have been bound, you can find the variable under the “Config” tab, in the “Capsule parameters” section.

We’ll use this environment variable in our app to connect to the Redis database.

Connecting to a Redis Data Capsule from a Python application

If your Backend Capsule is a Python application, use the following code to connect to your Redis database:

import os
import redis

redis_url = os.getenv('REDIS_URL')

connection = redis.from_url(redis_url)

# Do something here

Connecting to a Redis Data Capsule from a Node.js application

If your Backend Capsule is a Node.js application, use the following code to connect to your Redis database:

let redis = require('redis');
let redis_url = process.env.REDIS_URL

let connection = redis.createClient({
  url: redis_url


// Do something here 
